Watch Now – Dynamic Commute: TDM for the New Electrified World

Register below to learn how leaders from TDM, workplace services and HR are electrifying journeys

Speakers: WeDriveU customers Marc Rivers (CBRE/Nike) and Jim Appleby (Anaheim Regional Transportation)

As the virtual to hybrid transition continues at workplaces and campuses, organizations are discovering the value mobility solutions offer in cultivating a return experience that’s flexible, sustainable and enjoyable. A Gallup poll confirms the need, noting 60% of remote-capable workers expect hybrid arrangements to continue long-term, alleviating their number one frustration – time lost commuting.

This is a great opportunity for TDM pros to collaborate with workplace services and human resources teams to reshape electrified journeys that Time magazine predicts will not only be “greener and more social” but also “commute worthy.”

In this replay of their conversation with ACT, you’ll discover new transportation approaches redefining workplace culture from electrification advocates Marc Rivers (CBRE for Nike) and Jim Appleby (Anaheim Regional Transportation’s Electrify Anaheim):

  • Tips and case studies on how employers and communities are easing traffic and parking demand
  • How your organization can harnessing zero emission vehicle trends
  • Mobility innovations such as on-demand microtransit and shared shuttles

1 hour (begins at ~03:26)

Reshared with permission from the Association for Commuter Transportation