More Transportation Choices for Tenants

More Transportation Choices for Tenants

Sharing tips to enhance commuter services for tenants returning to workplaces from Wells+ Associates & ACT.

Commuter options beyond drivingA Wells+ Associates’ post asks: “Do you think driving alone is the only safe way to commute to your building and are you concerned it will increase demand for parking?”

Turns out, there are more safe commute options than you might think, according to Justin Schor’s post and video highlighting research from the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT).

Justin notes, “Whether tenants are carpooling, taking transit, or riding your building’s shuttle there are simple steps you can take to make sure their commute is safer. There are also ways to make sure your property can accommodate the potential tenant increase in use of socially distant commute choices like biking, bikeshare, and e-scooter.”

Watch the video and read the full post to “learn how to help your tenants feel valued and improve their commute experience while being safer during Covid-19.”

[Excerpt re-posted with permission from Wells+ Associates.]
